We make sustainable fuel from the wind and sea.

Aeon Blue is developing an integrated hydrogen and carbon capture technology that uses wind energy, seawater, and captured carbon dioxide from air to make cost-efficient eFuel.


Our hydrogen and carbon capture technology economically produces the ingredients for eFuel.

We are not your typical clean fuels company. Our proprietary reactor is a saltwater electrolyzer that’s 100% interruptible, meaning that it works seamlessly with varying power from the wind or sun. A unique integration of green hydrogen production and direct air capture, this reactor performs both at the same time, which enables us to produce syngas at a low cost while storing surplus atmospheric CO2 with every cycle.


We capture and store up to 600% more CO2 than what goes into our fuel.

After processing, our syngas transforms into a drop-in replacement for fossil oil (gasoline, diesel, SAF, natural gas, etc), while the surplus CO2 is stored underground. Depending on the fuel we make, we capture and store up to 600% more CO2 than what goes into our fuel. This means that, simply by using our eFuel, legacy emissions will be substantially and permanently removed from the atmosphere.


eFuel will finally compete with the fossil fuel market.

It all starts with our technology. This is our unfair advantage; enabling us to cut costs that no other electrosynthetic fuels company can. Our technology utilizes inexpensive and plentiful feedstock and combines two energy-intensive processes into a single step. This produces an economical portfolio of eFuels as well as the most verifiable and durable carbon storage. As we scale, the result will be a drop-in fuel that can compete with fossil prices, and is biodegradable, containing zero sulphur, arsenic, nitrogen, or lead.


Our eFuel removes carbon with zero additional infrastructure.

The technology works for many different applications, however our focus is razor sharp on eradicating as much carbon as possible in order to create a sustainable future. Aeon Blue’s eFuel is not just a cost-efficient innovation for the oil and gas industry: it’s a simple drop-in replacement for fossil oil, requiring no engine modifications to use it. This provides seamless integration into the global infrastructure while removing legacy emissions. It is defossilation and carbon removal, all in one process.


We want to build a better world than the one we were given.

Imagine driving up to a gas pump and having the option to choose Aeon Blue gasoline. This simple choice will carry you to your next destination while we capture and store up to 600% more carbon from the air than your car is producing. It is a vastly important, symbiotic relationship where humanity is taking an active part in saving the earth: one tank of gas, one flight across the world, and one cargo shipment at a time.

Our purpose is why we exist. And our chosen path is to ensure that sustainable fuels are integrated into the global infrastructure.